Newsletter Term 2: Seed Team had the privilege of joining St Patrick's College in Health Services Assistance class and more

Kate James

Seed Foundation Australia Term 2 Newsletter

What's Going On Inside...

  • Words From our Executive Officer - Brett Fragiacomo
  • Tim Fairfax Family Foundation
  • Introducing our trainees - Kate James and Jahla Neliman
  • Bwgcolman Health Day
  • JCU Winter Camp
  • St Patrick Students visit CQU

What an exciting start to 2021 it has been for Seed Foundation Australia. As of the end of term 2, we are delighted with the number of students and partner schools who have engaged with the program this year. Currently we have 386 students being supported by Seed Engagement Managers to complete their Connect 'n' Grow health qualification from 62 Partner Schools across Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Additionally Seed and CNG Employment are supporting nine School Based Trainees and seven Adult Trainees to complete their traineeships. With so much growth being experienced in our student numbers completing the program, we are seeking any organisations looking to take on School-based/post-school Trainee's or Work Experience students to contact our team to discuss.

Enjoy our Seed Term 2 newsletter, I look forward to an exciting and successful 2021 and to working with our valued Seed stakeholders for the remainder of the year. - Executive Officer, Brett Fragiacomo

Brett Fragiacomo

Tim Fairfax Family Foundation

Seed Foundation Australia recently had the pleasure of hosting Tim & Gina Fairfax and recently appointed TFFF CEO Neal Harvey in our Townsville office.

TFFF is one of Seeds generous key funding partners supporting the programs we deliver. It was amazing to introduce our Seed staff Rick and De'arne, as well as our inspiring current and past Seed students/alumni to the TFFF team during their Townsville visit.

We are extremely proud of the dedicated work and health literacy outcomes our small Seed team are achieving with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and alumni that we support across Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Seed are truly grateful for the ongoing support TFFF are providing and certainly could not achieve the education, training and employment outcomes we have to date without TFFF's support.

Tim Fairfax Family Foundation

Kate and Jahla Join the Team

We are excited to introduce 2 new members of the Seed Team. Kate and Jahla both joined us as Trainees in March this year - and both have made a fabulous impact already!

Here's a little about them.....

Kate is 18 and is based in our Sunshine Coast office. She was born in Sydney but has spent most of her life living on the Sunshine Coast. Kate identifies as Indigenous from the Butchulla tribe on K’gari.

She graduated from Beerwah High School last year and has now been working with Seed Foundation Australia completing her Certificate III in Business.

Since working with Seed, Kate has seen the Health industry in a different light - and now has aspirations of completing her own Health qualifications after her Traineeship.

She is eager to pursue a career where she can truly help others.

Jahla is based in our Townsville office. She is originally from Townsville and has previous experience working in the Education Department and also the Childcare industry.

After wanting to find something more challenging she relocated to Ayers Rock Resort and became a receptionist. She later returned to Townsville where her family is mostly from.

After being with Seed Foundation Australia for less than 6 months she has learnt so much and is very much part of this team.

Jahla is enjoying her role, and we love having both her and Kate on board. Welcome again you girls, Kate and Jahla.

Bwgcolman Health Day

Bwgcolman Community School Year 12 Students

We had 7 students and their trainer Amy Sachlikidis and accompanying Teacher Matthew Foster from Bwgcolman Community School attend from Palm Island for the day. They listened to the Health Workers from Naphl (Northern Australia Primary Health ltd) ITC - Integrated Team Care and their Health Journey stories.

The students also heard from Seed Foundation Australia and CnG staff regarding their employment Journey stories.

The students then visited the James Cook Uni Campus, followed by a visit to the IYMP (Indigenous Youth Mobility Program) House to talk with the Manager: Davina Ahwang about their program.

St Patrick Students Visit CQU

Whitney Nai, Adrianna Namaibai, Annie Noah (St Patrick Students) and De'arne French (Engagement Officer)

The Seed Team had the privilege of joining the St Patrick's College Certificate III in Health Services Assistance class, as they attended the CQU information day and tour of the campus in Townsville (27/5).

Representatives from the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Sciences talked about the differences between school and university, study options, introduced props used in their clinical learning space and ended with a tour of their facility.

Many students were unsure at the start if this was a pathway they would like to pursue, but when asked again after the experience they are reconsidering studying at CQU as their next step. Great exposure for the students.

To keep in touch and learn more about our upcoming opportunities, follow us on our Social media or send us an email.

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