Seed Foundation Australia launches Impact Measurement Initiative

Seed Foundation Australia launches Impact Measurement Initiative

Through the generous support of one of our Philanthropic donors, Seed in conjunction with collaborators Development Impact and Socialsuite finalised the implementation phase of Seed's Impact Measurement project, intended to measure and evidence the value and impact of our work.

The Seed Outcome Framework is designed to measure overall outcomes to the themes of Self-determination, Empowerment, Engagement and Development through the Sub outcome areas and Seed organisational Goals of Health Literacy, Education and Employment through each stage. Each stage of the student journey has been mapped from year 11 (entry into health & community qualifications) through to post high school support called year 13 and beyond. These have been defined as Short (year 11), Medium (year 12) and Long (year 13,14 & 15) term outcomes.

Data from student surveys will be compiled into Socialsuite (cloud software), which analyses the data into dashboards, reporting differences tracked over time. 

Seed would like to thank our donors for their generous support and the partners we worked with to implement our Impact Measurement project.

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